암페어 (A) : 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 1.5, 2.5,
3.5, 1.25, 1.75 |
VDC (V): 125, 63, 32 VDC (V) : 125, 63, 32 |
VAC (V): 125, 63, 32 VAC (V) : 125, 63, 32 |
이무연, RoHS 적합형및할로겐프리퓨즈시리즈는높은작동온도 (최대
150ºC)를보이는회로에과전류보호기능을제공하도록특별히설계되었습니다. |
The general design ensures excellent temperature stability and
performance reliability. 일반적인디자인은우수한온도안정성과성능신뢰성을보장합니다. |
In addition to this, the high I²t values typical of the
Littelfuse Ceramic Fuse family ensure high inrush current withstand
capability. 이외에도 Littelfuse Ceramic Fuse 제품군의높은 I²t 값은높은돌입전류내구성을보장합니다. |
Features: 기능 |
Operating Temperature from -55ºC to +150ºC 작동온도 :
-55ºC ~ + 150ºC |
100% Lead-free, HalogenFree and RoHS compliant 100 % 무연, 할로겐프리및 RoHS 준수 |
Suitable for both leaded and lead-free reflow / wave soldering
납및무연리플로우 / 웨이브솔더링에모두적합 |
Applications: 응용분야 |
LCD Displays LCD 디스플레이 |
Servers 서버 |
Printers 프린터 |
Scanners 스캐너 |
Data Modems 데이터모뎀 |
0437.250WR FUSE 125V FA 1206 .250A
0437.375WR FUSE 125V FA 1206 .375A
0437.500WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 .500A
0437.750WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 .750A
0437001.WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 1A
0437002.WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 2A
0437003.WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 3A
0437004.WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 4A
0437005.WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 5A
0437007.WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 7A
0437008.WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 8A
043701.5WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 1.5A
043702.5WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 2.5A
043703.5WR FUSE 32V FA 1206 3.5A
04371.25WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 1.25A
04371.75WR FUSE 63V FA 1206 1.75A