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  • 08080570 Series
    08080570 S 전화문의
08080570 Series > 배터리스위치/센서

08080570 Series 요약정보 및 구매

[200A Single-Pole Slim Design Battery Switches_Littelfuse]

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제조사 Littelfuse
브랜드 Littelfuse
모델 08080570 Series
배송비결제 주문시 결제
최소구매수량 1 개

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  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Do you need a battery disconnect switch for a hard-to-reach area of a vehicle or piece of equipment?

     The 08080570 Series 28V Single-Pole (SPST) Water-Resistant Manual Battery Disconnect Switch 

    with Slim Design features a narrow, elongated shape that is ideal for areas with limited space.

    Designed for 12V and 24V electrical systems, the 08080570 Series manually operated switch is made

     for disconnecting the battery from the vehicle electrical system, even under load, and stopping power from the alternator.

    The single-pole manual disconnect switch is available with standard contacts or with supplementary 

    contacts that can be used for various purposes, such as activating a warning 

    ight or grounding the alternator.

    Features and Benefits

    • Continuous current rating of 100 amperes or 10 milliamperes, depending on the model
    • Elongated, narrow design allows mounting in hard-to-reach areas and places with limited space
    • Dust-tight and water-resistant to IP65 standards
    • High-quality thermoplastic material offers resistance to chemicals and environmental elements
    • Red lever actuator is easy to see and operate
    • Available with standard contacts or with supplementary contacts that can be used for various purposes, 
    • such as activating a warning light or grounding the alternator


    • Heavy Trucks
    • Emergency Vehicles
    • Boats and Marine Equipment
    • Tractors and Agricultural Equipment


    Catalog #VoltageContinuous currentInrush currentIngress ProtectionTerminal MaterialTerminal hardwareRecommended stud torqueAuxiliary ContactsCompare
    2001500A x 5 secIP65Silver-Plated CopperM10 Brass18 Nm5A
    2001500A x 5 secIP65Silver-Plated CopperM10 Brass18 Nm

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    모델명 08080570 Series
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    오후3시이전 주문시 당일배송입니다.

    평균 배송기간은 3일이내입니다.
    *배송기간은 주말/공휴일을 제외한 영업일 기준입니다.


    일반적으로 휴즈는 반품이나 교환불가능합니다. 
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    구매시 정확한 선정후 특별한 사유의 교환조건을 협의후 바로 교환해드립니다.