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PGB1SOT23 Series > 온도/정전기(ESD)

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  • PGB1SOT23 Series
    PGB1SOT23 전화문의
PGB1SOT23 Series > 온도/정전기(ESD)

PGB1SOT23 Series 요약정보 및 구매

Lead-Free SOT23 Surface Mount Polymeric ESD Suppressors

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제조사 Littelfuse
브랜드 Littelfuse
모델 PGB1SOT23
배송비결제 주문시 결제

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전화문의 : 031-267-4793
이메일 : pa@paparts.co.kr

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    PulseGuard ESD Suppressors help protect sensitive electronic equipment against electrostatic discharge (ESD). They supplement the on-chip protection of integrated circuitry and are best suited for low voltage, high-speed applications where low capacitance is important. Data ports utilizing such high-speed protocols as USB 2.0, IEEE1394, HDMI and DVI can benefit from this new technology. PulseGuard suppressors use polymer composite materials to suppress fast-rising ESD transients (as specified in IEC 61000-4-2 and MIL-STD-883E), while adding virtually no capacitance to the circuit.


    • Lead-Free
    • Extended pulse life over previous versions
    • New, reduced trigger voltage
    • Ultra-low capacitance
    • Low leakage current
    • Fast response time
    • 2-lines of protection
    • Bi-directional



    상품 정보 고시

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    모델명 PGB1SOT23
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