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L25S Series > 산업용퓨즈

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오늘 본 상품 1

  • L25S Series
    L25S Serie 전화문의
L25S Series > 산업용퓨즈

L25S Series 요약정보 및 구매

[Traditional Semiconductor High Speed Very Fast-Acting_1-1200A_150/250/600Vac_Littelfuse]

판매가격 온라인 견적문의 | 실시간 견적문의 하기
제조사 Littelfuse
브랜드 Littelfuse
모델 L25S Series
배송비결제 주문시 결제

궁금한 점은 언제든 문의주시면 친절히 상담해 드리겠습니다.
전화문의 : 031-267-4793
이메일 : pa@paparts.co.kr

  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Amps (A): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80 more
    VAC (V): 250
    VDC (V): 250, , 200

    The L25S series is a traditional North American bolted-style, high-speed fuse designed with POWR-SPEED® technology for protection of power semiconductor devices that are rated up to 250 V ac and up to 200 V dc. This is a round body, extremely current-limiting fuse for use where no time delay is required.

    POWR-SPEED® brand fuses offer optimized circuit protection at the extremely fast speed required to protect power semiconductor devices such as silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs), diodes, thyristors, triacs, transistors, and similar solid-state devices. These devices are used in power equipment including variable speed drives, power rectifiers, UPS systems, dc power supplies, and in a wide range of electronic equipment.


    • Extremely current-limiting
    • Low energy let-through (I2t)
    • Low watt losses
    • Controlled transient overvoltages
    • POWR-SPEED® technology
    • Compliance with US and Canadian requirements
    • Traditional North American bolted style dimensions
    • Direct bus-bar mount or stud mount design
    • RoHS compliant
    • Class aR performance

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    *배송기간은 주말/공휴일을 제외한 영업일 기준입니다.


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